To sell your own merchandise you need to find a supplier, buy in bulk, design your clothing, take payment, handle orders, shipping, returns and much more. Pro23 Marketing offer a service where we do all of this for you.
We build you an online store and offer an on demand service so you literally don’t have to lift a finger. Having your own merchandise is a fantastic way of building your brand as well as earning some good money.
How Does The Process Work?

Select your clothing range products and supply logos.

We provide you with artwork design and samples to sign off.

We design your online store.

Customers place orders on your online store.

We handle all orders and distribution.

We maintain the site with artwork/stock updates which always means no stock wastage.

After the monthly maintenance fee you will receive commission on your sales.
Get in touch
01484 538222 | sales@wearepropack.co.uk